• 03002203479
  • info@trainersedu.com
  • Nipa Gulshan Block-6 Karachi
LanguageCert ESOL

LanguageCert ESOL

A suite of internationally recognised English exams, for general & study purposes. Written (Listening, Reading, Writing) & Spoken (Speaking) exams can be taken separately.

LanguageCert International ESOL B2 Communicator

Written (Listening, Reading, Writing) and Spoken (Speaking) exams in English, aligned to the B2 level of the CEFR*. Exams are delivered through our global network of Test Centres or online.

About LanguageCert International ESOL B2:

  • Leads to two separate certificates: Written and Spoken
  • Both exams can be taken together or independently of each other

Written exam:

  • Paper-based/computer-based at approved Test Centres or Online with remote, live proctoring
  • Duration 2 hours 40 minutes

Spoken exam:

  • Face-to-face or Online with an interlocutor
  • Duration 13 minutes

At B2 level, candidates can:

  • communicate in detail, travel, live and work independently in an English-speaking country
  • spontaneously interact with a degree of fluency without much strain on either party
  • follow the news, TV and radio channels
  • write emails, texts, letters, reports and stories etc.

View all ESOL Exams | View all Test Centers or Online

Results, certificates and digital badges

Statement of Result (SoR) & e-certificate sent by email or through the Test Centre;

  • 3 business days for Online exams with remote, live invigilation
  • 5 business days for computer-based exams
  • 10 business days for paper-based exams

Digital badges are available in 10 business days and sent by email.

Hard-copy certificates are sent either to the candidate or to the Test Centre shortly after results are released.

Key features
 FORMATPaper-based, computer based or Online with remote, live proctoring
 PASS MARK50% (75/150)
 SKILLSWritten (Listening, Reading, Writing)
Candidates are awarded High Pass, Pass or Fail
High Pass 101-150 / 150
Pass          75-100 / 150
Fail           0-74 / 150

How do I prepare for LanguageCert ESOL