• 03002203479
  • info@trainersedu.com
  • Nipa Gulshan Block-6 Karachi


Certify your English proficiency today.

  • Test online anytime, anywhere
  • Finish in 1 hour and get results in 2 days
  • Accepted by over 4500 universities

Take the test online anywhere, anytime — no traveling to a test center or appointment needed

Get your results within 2 days of completing the test, and share it with anyone, immediately

The Duolingo English Test is a computer adaptive test, which means that the question sequence and difficulty changes for each test taker and test session. Because it is adaptive, the test has a few differences from other tests you may have taken.

The test contains one main section with different question types.

Aside from the speaking and writing samples, the test only contains one section. Similar question types are not grouped together. Instead, different question types appear one after another and you won’t know what will be asked next.

Question difficulty changes dynamically throughout the test.

Your performance determines the difficulty of the question that comes next. Some questions may seem easier or harder than others.

The length of the test will vary.

There is no set number of questions. The test ends once the grading engine is confident in your score. Each test will be different and may take slightly more or less time to complete.

How do I prepare for Duolingo